Today I want to ask the question – what is the legacy you’ll leave behind? 🤔
It’s one of those things that not too many people think about, but we’re only here once, so we have to make the most of it.
At PRE, we talk a lot about creating the lifestyle you want to lead, building your future, and having more options in life, but we often don’t talk about the legacy.
So what will you leave behind once you’ve departed?
For a lot of people they hope to look after their children and grand-children in some way. Maybe you want to do more for your community, charity, or other social groups.
No matter what, being in a position where you can give back is an amazing feeling.
This is a part of why we do what we do at Positive.
What you’ll find is that once you are successful and start creating those streams of income, you’ve have more time to do the things that you’d really like to do in life as well.
We all want to be able to give back, support, and basically be remembered fondly as someone who was generous, courageous, who had empathy, and had sympathy.
I want to be remembered as someone who was not only able to look after my own family, but also someone who was able to give back to the community.
So what is the legacy you want to leave behind?
If you think you want to change the way it’s looking, then get started at our next online Property Investment Masterclass.
We’l be talking about staying safe and smart in these unusual times, how to lift your investing game, and sharing real-world strategy that you can immediately apply to your situation.
Go here to grab your ticket – Property Investment Masterclass
Trevor Moore – Property Investment Coach