If you could get a guaranteed $5 for every $1 you invest, would that get your attention? If it doesn’t, it’s probably time for a little reality check.
Eliminating debt may not seem all that exciting until you understand just how leveraged it is as an investment activity. Generally speaking, you’re usually looking at a leverage rate of 5 to 1.
What this means is that for every $1 in personal debt you eliminate you can gain access to an additional $5 for investing.
So, eliminate ten thousand in debt and you can free up fifty thousand in borrowing capacity for investing. Eliminate twenty thousand and you can get access to one hundred thousand in borrowing capacity for investing.
A $200,000 mortgage is costing you a million dollar property portfolio. This is why eliminating personal debt is such an obvious thing for investors to do and clearly a huge leverage point in their lives.
But this is only one of many tricks and strategies we have up our sleeve and you can learn so much more when you come along to a free Property Investment Night.
As you’d imagine, we’ve learned some very powerful strategies and had some amazing insights as we’ve helped thousands of people create wealth with property.
We get to see the things that work time, and time, and time again. And we get to see the things that cause people to fail time, and time, and time again.
Successful investors love control over their strategies and obviously love results that are predictable and reliable. Come and see how we’re doing it.