Why should you care about the theory of Counter Cyclical Investing?
It simply means doing the opposite of what others are doing in the market.
Property Coach Michael Anger runs us through why it can skyrocket your chances of success.
The main reason it can be such a huge boot is that it presents an unusual opportunity.
If you are the kind of person who is ready to grab opportunities when they come along, then you are likely to reap the huge benefits this strategy can offer.
Let’s be clear – we’re not talking about taking advantage of people.
We’re just pointing out the fact that there is less competition from other investors right now, which is a huge advantage in the hotly contested markets of NZ.
Why? When there is competition there is less time pressure and more properties to choose from.
This gives you time to evaluate, think, and make better offers, which means you are likely to have your pick of better options.
So what does it take to become a counter-cyclical investor?
All it takes is confidence, knowledge, vision, and a plan.
Add in a support group of other forward-thinking investors, and the education to match, and you’ve got a recipe for success.
This is what we do at PRE – help people change their life through careful, long-term property investing.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, why not use this time wisely and start putting things in place.
Join us for our next Online Property Investment masterclass to get the ball rolling.
Go here to grab your ticket – Property Investment New Zealand
– Michael Anger, Property Coach